Monday, June 19, 2006

Saint Simeon

We drove on saturday to Saint Simeon, dans le 77e, where the Dairy Farm is. La Laiterie is Jorge's special place, his personal workshop. I had some high res pics I will post on my site later. Joanne hates to be a passenger, and she gets really scared especially if I drive. She scared the hell out of Jorge and me quite a few times, but we managed to get there alive. An hour drive through the fields. 60 kms away from Paris, beautiful and green. With a river and blue dragonflies. Red coquelicots all over the place. I have a very special connection to these flowers, remember Monet. Maybe I was that little girl in a previous life. Maybe I am that classy lady with the umbrella and the hat today.

I had to come back to Paris that evening. I took the bus, then the train from Coulommiers... and took hundreds of pictures. Riding in a train is stil an exotic trip for me. There is something enchanting about being static and seeing reality dsitorted aoutside your window. I discovered how the scanning of my cell camera was distorting the vertical lines, just like in a cartoon. They became all diagonals. It was a trip from a rural quiet world to the summum of urban expressions, going through suburbia. Another pilgrimage...

I got back on time to see Lauren'ts friend Yohan. Finally, after ages of seeing just pictures of him and his kids. Sophie, his wife, was in the hospital. She had a baby a couple of weeks ago and one of her nipples got infected. She's doing fine. We had dinner outdoors at the jardin des tuilleries, and walked by the Louvre and the pyramid. I had one of those crazy flashes I get from time to time. I have no pics of the kids. Solal, Laurent's godson is adorable, and the little Rosa is becoming a very clever little person. Jose and Laurent would be such wonderful parents. Jose was so happy with Solal, and the little kid adores them. I did not have my camera with me because I knew I was going to be drinking later and I did not want to lose it.

After dinner, los kKakis took me to L'Amnesia, the best little bar I've been to here in Paris. A very small and smokey basement with a lot of personality. We danced to 80's music and of course I drank too much whiskey... But it was worth it.

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